New Year, Old Me

Okay, well, I missed my own deadline. Imagine that 😉 I am feeling a S.A.D. episode coming on, but only because: It is cold.  I have packed up all the Christmas stuff, and everyone is basically back in school.  The Middle Child starts on Monday, and I start on Tuesday.  I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel at the University of Georgia! If all goes as planned, I will graduate on Friday, December 13, 2024. You think I am joking? I am not. I figure this date is par for the course with me, and I should have been expecting it all along (this date is contingent on whether or not I pass 2 math classes…LOL).  After this past semester of Biology and Biology Lab, I am very optimistic about the math. I realized about half way through the semester that Biology was the first class that was not English-related or French-related that I have taken in 30+ years! I was seriously praying for a D, but lo and behold, I came out of there with a C+ and a B+ in the lab! There is hope for me, yet!

So, The Middle Child spent her summer in Aspen, doing an apprenticeship for Theatre Aspen.  She had a mere 24 hours at home before flying off to Egypt so that she could attend the American University in Cairo for Fall semester! Since she has not been in Pittsburgh (at Point Park University) since June 2023, I am flying up with her tomorrow, to help her get all of her stuff back.  There is a 60% chance of snow on Saturday, and I am really excited about that since I rarely get to see snow in Atlanta.  I fly back on Monday, and start Spring semester at UGA on Tuesday.

I am hoping that I can figure out how to get from one side of campus to the other in 15 minutes, and have actually considered taking my bicycle in my car to ride from the parking deck to class.  That is a very lofty goal since I am terribly out of shape.  I would love to ride a scooter, and they are all over campus; however, I have never ridden one before and I am quite certain that the first time I do, it should not be on campus! 🙂 There are buses, of course, and I will probably just end up riding them, but having the idea of physical activity already in my head seems to be a very positive thing for me. Having the idea in my head and actually implementing the idea are 2 drastically different things, though!

Happy New Year!I don’t make resolutions because I don’t keep them, and when I don’t keep them, I feel guilty-like I have failed myself.  So…New Year, Old Me.

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